Monday, May 14, 2007

We get letters...

(August 6, 2007)

The world is going to hell in a handbasket, but thank Goddess the email still works.

Some clarifications requested by my audience:

  1. These are being copied to my blog from a file on my MacBook, hence the lumpy nature of the posts. And hence the fact that we haven't gotten to present day, present time (cue ominous laughter) yet.
  2. No, there are no organized "refugee camps" in SoCal that I know of. The City of Hope is putting patients and family of patients up on the facilities so that patients can get their chemo without interruption. The undocumented immigrant encampments I spoke of are very ad-hoc, and are usually in parks and vacant lots. I have seen these kind of encampments before: when the Northridge Earthquake hit our neighborhood a lot of the locals did not trust their apartment buildings. Apparently during the big Mexico City quake, people were told to get back into their dwellings, and people were buried alive by buildings collapsing due to aftershocks. It hasn't become The Grapes Of Wrath. At least, not yet.
  3. Richie's OK. They have said that he's officially in remission. In spite of all this stress, we're fine for now. However, who knows what will happen when the meds run out.

Will get back to cutting and pasting momentarily. There seems to be a disturbance near the front gate.

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